
Comment choisir le bon déambulateur

Comment choisir le bon déambulateur

Now travel aids have become more and more popular. Among them, walkers are the simplest and most convenient travel aids. The main function is to allow the support of the equipment to make the legs and feet of the elderly patients with inconvenient legs and feet inflexible or even lose the ability to walk. People can take care of themselves and go out for walks like normal people.

So how do you choose the right walker for you?


1. According to the classification of walkers, it can be divided into:

(1) Fixed type

It is often used to reduce the load on one side of the lower limb. When the lower limb is injured or fractured and does not allow weight-bearing, at this time, lift the armrests on both sides with both hands and place it forward on the ground instead of one foot, and then step on the healthy leg.

walking aids

(2) Interactive

Small size, no casters, adjustable height. When using, move one side forward first, then move the remaining side forward, and so on and so forth alternately. It is suitable for patients with poor standing balance, weak lower limb muscle strength or the elderly. The advantage is that it is also very convenient to go to the toilet.

walking frame

(3) Wheel type in front

It is used for those with poor upper limb muscle strength and difficulty in lifting the walker on one side or the whole. At this time, the front wheel is on the ground, and the back foot can be walked after lifting the walker.

walking aids for the elderly

2. Optional accessories are: cushion/toilet

Choose according to personal needs

aluminium walking aid

3. Pay attention when purchasing:

(1) The material of the walker should be light, easy for the patient to move, and should be balanced and stable when placed.

(2) The wall thickness of the walker should be thicker, which will be stronger and have sufficient stability to ensure the safety of the patient.

(3) The height of the walker should be suitable or adjustable. When the patient stands, the hands droop naturally to hold the bilateral armrests, and pressure can be applied to the armrests to ensure weight support and balance control.

(4) The width of the walker should be moderate, not too wide

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